We have some wonderfully talented people working at Derwent fm – who truly live our SPIRIT values – take Ian Bailey who works at Brookside in Derby, one of our accommodation sites managed by Derwent Students.
Following the recent Storm Ciara earlier this month, a tree in the grounds of Brookside was blown over and blocked a public footpath. As the tree was causing an obstruction, was unsafe and a danger to the public, it was removed. The tree had a Tree Preservation Order, so we contacted the TPO office at Derby council, who attended the scene and we are now working with them to replace the tree on a like for like basis.
But what to do with the downed tree? Our wonderful onsite team have been coming up with green and innovative ideas to use the tree and Ian has started the ball rolling by creating these fantastic wooden coasters designed with our core values in mind.
We’re sure the team will be coming up with more ideas over the coming weeks, what a great demonstration of Innovation and Working Together.