Derwent fm recently welcomed Eiso Van Der Post on a one week work placement, Eiso is a student at Notre Dame Sixth Form college – here’s what Eiso thought about his week…
Work experience at Derwent FM was a prosperous experience which I would recommend to anyone looking for experience on the Business end. You might think they’ll offer you the classic unfortunate work experience of essentially being the office human coffee machine, but actually it was me being offered the coffee!
Everyone was great, the team was genuinely friendly and the office space was very clean and stylish. They were always willing to spend their time to clarify and explain aspects of the business to me.
Across the week, I worked with different departments of the business such as Marketing, Sales, Helpdesk, & Systems. After interrogating the majority of them, I was set tasks such as trying to find new ways to improve Social Media marketing and even going as far as creating my own post. I also scrutinized the rates and facilities of what Derwent’s competitors had to offer, which has taught me the importance to also keep an eye on their competitors.
I left with a newfound respect for the individuals who work behind the scenes as everyone plays a massive role on what they achieve as a business. Overall, this placement was highly informative and educational, but in an enjoyable way, which has strengthened my desire to pursue business as a career.
Eiso it was an absolute pleasure having you with us for the week, we’re delighted you enjoyed it!